Drupal 8 Module Development

Experience level
Time slot

Drupal 8 is almost here (by the time I give this talk we may be be at release candidate!) and the way we build modules is going to change dramatically.  The change from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 was relatively moderate, hook definitions changed, but hooks were still a thing.  Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 is much more of a leap, we are switching paradigms from procedural to object oriented, we've adopted many new best practices, we've incorporated a number of high-quality external libraries into core... the service container D: ...

What does all this mean for module developers? I will give a high level overview of what changes are coming and what you can do to prepare for modules in D8 (hint: build one), as well as give a practical example of module building in Drupal 8 by porting a simple module from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.  All skill levels are welcome, but the focus will be on back-end module development.

Post-presentation notes

My slides are available on bitbucket here, also the module I demoed is here.

Lastly I did a little research on one of the questions about composer dependencies in Drupal 8, the answer seems to be composer manager, so that's pretty cool.


Video URL: https://vimeo.com/album/3650776/video/145295634
